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sign language

When Morgan was little she decided she wanted to learn sign language. She had a little boy in one of her classes who was deaf and she felt bad and wanted to learn how to communicate with him. I think when it comes to life experiences like this - Morgan is an old soul. She is so perceptive, I would say even more than most adults. So when Faith was born both she and Maddy said that they would like to teach Faith sign language. So I ordered Baby Signing Times and I am excited for all three girls to get together and watch them. Soon we will be able to talk to each other without the boys knowing what is going on. Well, not completely true because I have caught Mike watching them with Faith too.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hey Morgan, I have been learning sign language too. It is something I have always wanted to do. I have finally started working on it, I wish we were closer and you could help me.
We love you!
Aunt Judy