Some things in life are more important than the Red Sox. This group qualifies as one of them!


Catch Up Attempt

How do we sum up an entire summer? Maddy worked her butt off in cheerleading and gymnastics, Coleman kicked butt in baseball and football, Morgan gave an all-star performance in softball, Tanner worked both sides of the plate in baseball, and Faith learned what a plate was. Oh yeah! And the Red Sox are winning the Wild Card race in the American League!

Actually, it was a busy summer and it would be impossible to cover everything. Here is a sampling...

Faith learned to walk...

There was a lot of tennis...

Some Basketball....

Some Salt Lake Bees Baseball ...

Tanner's baseball... and we saw Coleman's and Morgan's pictures.

Faith turned ONE on July 20th...

With age comes responsibility, and RED Sox Fanhood!

And a trip to Lagoon...

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