Some things in life are more important than the Red Sox. This group qualifies as one of them!


On the Court

and fun was had by all!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Hi Melanie!
Oh my gosh, I just read your comment on my blog- I must have overlooked it. How are you? What a beautiful family you have! Seriously, gorgeous! I totally bow down to you in respect with 5 kids. And I can tell there is a lot of love in your home. How the heck do you have kids that old, not to mention, Gina has a college student!?! It's one thing that I am 40 but when all of your childhood friends are "mature in age" with teenage and adult children--- That is just crazy talk! Where did all the time go!? I totally remember my mom at this age and thought she was so old--- and now I am her! Time really flys. I wouldn't change it for a thing though. I am really enjoying my 40's (Well, the 4 months that I have experienced so far :-) I am trying to be totally present in my life because I feel like before I know it my kids will be grown and I will wish I savored it more.

I will add your blog to my desktop. Write when you have a second. It was so great to hear from you. Please keep in touch.

Take Care,